Solo ended up bombing anyway, so in this instance at least, going the safe, conventional and boring route failed. It’s another to make a flat-out comedy using the same risky tools that paid such huge dividends in projects like 21 Jump Street and The Lego Movie. It’s one thing to inject a little spontaneous comic energy into a big science fiction spectacle. I suspect that’s part of the reason Disney shocked moviegoers by firing the fabulously successful meta comedy filmmaking team of Lord-Miller deep into the filming of Solo. If the vitriol and contempt directed towards Jar Jar Binks and Star Wars Holiday Special are any indication, comedy and Star Wars are simply a bad fit, though it would be more charitable and accurate to say that comedy needs to be integrated into the Star Wars universe in careful and cautious ways.

I kid! I’m joking, obviously, because nobody in their right mind could possibly laugh at the notorious late-1970s Life Day special and widely, more or less universally hated funny talking racist frog man from outer space, not even in an ironic fashion. I just re-experienced the joy, the magic and yes, the laughter of Jar Jar Binks’ infamy-making turn in The Phantom Menace in addition to the Star Wars Holiday Special to prepare for the Nathan Rabin’s Happy Cast Star Wars Holiday Special Holiday Special and boy is my funny bone tired! After having my funny bone tickled relentlessly for something like four plus interminable hours of attempted comedy from Jar Jar, Chewbacca’s family and special guests Harvey Korman, Be a Arthur and Jefferson Starship and I’m all laughed out for the year.